Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happening in June

What's the hot topic in Singapore in June? Everyone is discussing, complaining, sharing and been talking to each other.. No other than the haze in Singapore..2 weeks ago, we are hit by haze from Indonesia.. initially, it wasnt that bad...however, till mid June, the condition get worsen which hit PSI 401 on 21 was that bad that i have to wear mask in and outside the office because i can smell thick smoke...its not only choky, the visibility is low and very dusty..thankfully, the haze has sub-sided since then and we are back in the "unhealthy band" rather than the "hazardous band"...most of us stop all the outdoor activities as well as outdoor


Last Sunday, i attempted to cook spaghetti(my first time) which i learnt online..went to supermarket and got everything i need...spaghetti, garlic, laksa paste, prawn and coconut milk...Since i was assigned to cook dinner that evening, someone gonna be the guinea pig and try my cooking..haha...poor fellow, it was way too spicy and he did not finish my spaghetti..i was quenching water down my throat to clear the spicyness too...haha...failed attempt..but at least im sure that i can do a better job next time..

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Is mid year!

It's June!! We are nearly approaching the second half of the year...Let me reflect what i have done for the past 5 months...its been a great year indeed...

Gotten my Professional cert in Feb, found someone who can share and travel with me, job switching etc..its never been easy that i have made this far...more or less, i have an idea what i gonna do for the rest of the year...all those plans require money and i need to work hard and save up to accomplish those will be challenging but i think anything is possible with good financial planning and careful thoughts...hopefully all those plans will turn out smoothly.