Thursday, January 31, 2008
the suffering
snap shot of them while slackin..haha
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
last fri supposely meet them at 4 to 5 pm to check in the chalet but ended up reaching at 8pm coz of proj la..luckily michael fetch mi there or else i will be late...the chalet was actually hold to celebrate my (12 feb), alvin (13 feb) and joanne (23 feb) birthdae..hohoho..old le..invited all the CS teens cum all their bf as was an exp treat by mi booked 2 rooms so tat we can sleep properly without squeezin tog cos they noe me...haha...having lots of fun tog although the time is short....
group photo
the so-called pervert
alvin kenna abuse n make up by the gals...
sittin there watchin tv
dad too tired doin all the stuff by himself..haha
first nite we juz settle down wif onli mi,wanru,dad(zhi wei),sharon,lex,alvin n joanne stayin in the 2 was kind of boring as we onl sit there n watch tv n fight...
dae 2, woke up at 7am to go mac eat breakfast...then, we head to white sand to buy the BBQ stuff for tat nite b4 headin back to chalet again..went back to watch the 881 then dad n lex go home first..the rest of us went for cyclin at the pasir ris nite, bbq wif the remainin comin...px,her bf,kris,meilin,rac,hwi chin,chuan hao and yuning...wa...waste alot of food lor...
alvin is the maid fot the whole chalet(used to b diwei but he nv turn up..oops)..haha...he have to carry alot of stuff,kena bully n put hair clips on his hair...wahahaha...realli cant stop laughin when thinkin of how he get bullied by us since he is the youngest too...whahahaha...realli got a great timeat chalet...hehe..
as usual, mon went back to sch to do proj til now...everidae meet 9am to 8pm life!!!! CNY i cant even enjoy stress!!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
proj dae
Sunday, January 20, 2008
but anyway my mood not so much affected by tis coz i already used to it le...hehe...juz complain to my cols or morni n everything i will forgot abt it...hehe...
ytd the sushi aunties share among themselves n bought mi a one lor..i was so surprised becoz i ever told them i turnin 21 next month last week n ytd my godmum realli went to buy so exp gift to mi...haix..i realli realli veri touched as we onli noe each other since i work over there..i always call her "mother" when i see her n tat onli cs pp noe ba...hahah....erm..anyway i need to thank them for such exp gift veri pai sei coz not tat close
Friday, January 18, 2008
as usual..muz wait for him at least 1hr for him to arrive..i spent my 1 hr there shoppin n lookin for wat i lyk then later took dw there to consult..haha..ytd havin our dinner at the olive n fig...erm..rather cheap coz the serving was scary..damn alot lor..i cant even finish my fish n chips..haha...(i don waste food de lo normalli) finalli, i bought my jeans n i'm left wif shoes...onli left $90 to buy shoes....above that will exceed my
next mon after my law test n proj meetin shall go to orchard to shop again...wahahaaha..somemore next week except for mon, do not have lesson coz all it is a proj consultation cum completion week...yea!!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
another week...
Monday, January 07, 2008
tml n wed need to do proj again...sian...gotta to b rush abit as deadline is nearer n nearer...haiz...tis wed also got Napfa test...argxxx...sure fail...haiz...perhaps thurs n fri need to meet up proj again ba..then fri i think is my onli dae to sux man!!!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
jin mei birthdae celebration
we went to Waraku to have our dinner since dw had already made reservations over was sort of special as we need to remove our shoes and sit on the cushion pillow(???)then begin to order our food as all of us is famished n the food realli veri nice thot it is veri exp but ended up within my budget...heng ar!!!
at nite, we continue our celebration outside raffles city while mi n dw went to buy our dismay, we dunno tat raffles city bakerzin was closed down...wahahaa...we search n search then realise was kind of last min plannin but everythin is a success....
it was a tirin dae for us for the past few daes as we meet up to buy present,make the card n plannin wat to do...i hope all of us enjoy themselves...!!!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
hAPPI 2008
ytd went to beng leong 21 birthdae chalet at costa sand wif Cs cols and we bought him a Levis were lyk kinda sian n we sit one circle n start chattin wif each other...i told kris tat it's seems lyk CS gatherin rather than celebrate BL bd....wahahahaa....tis year mark that all 1987 babies will b celebratin their 21th bd...oh no!!!! gotta broke soon..haiz...heehee...i think we were havin fun over there ba since i always entertain
todae is the day i was lookin forward to...out first fren turnin 21th, jin mei....her birthdae is actually 2 jan but we decide to push forward as tml all of us got sch...wohoo....all the plans i previously wrote was changed 180 degree as dw decide to change venue....shall update again....