TOdAE DAmn bO LiaO..goT fIRE dRilL iN my ScH...We R iN The Com lab TO prINT our NOtES BUT tHE laB pP ASk US tO go tO tHE basKEtBAll COurt...BO liaO lO...waSTe OUR tIME..Then The leCTUre SAy ToDAE lessON Will start FroM 11aM.....HAHA..TAT MEANs i DuN HAve APEl lessON..PHEw...
vERi fUNnI lO..WHen We gO To BASKETball CpurT,EverYBodY ARe SORTeD by LEc No. or CLass NO....we R uNDer THe"OTherS" cOZ we DUn HAVE anI lessON b4 TAT...I tELl my fRENS if They Went TO tOILEt N fIRE drILL sTARTS, Then TheSE Pp BElONG tO ToIlet CAtEGorIEs...haha....
oK la...YESTERDAE i had A gREAT dae COs is thE orIENTaTion For YEAr 1 A&f pp...I am thE statioN maSTer N I HAVE thE CHAncE tO ORdER thEM to Do CheeRs,DANce N StUpid ACtiOn In orDER tO Get BoNUs Points...SHioK lo...FInaLLI caN ORdER PP TO Do TheSE sTupiD tHINGs N tHEY rEALLI did wat I saY...haha...i waS iN Charge Of THE "spidER Web" N i ThiNK evEriONe noe thE ruLES ba..we OSO saBO thE fACitIOr..we waN The STudENTS to CARRy Them oveR...hahA...REAL fUn...i ThiNk this WIlL B thE fIRST n last Time "Bully" pp BA.....i STiLL HAVe A lOng DAy AHEAd....HAiz...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I duNNo WheN 5BSu aCTUAllY Free TO gO Out NEXt tIME...MAYB waIT uNTIl Hui n shaN bd THen GO out BA...LYK tat OSo GooD..Can savE sOME $$ FirsT SO TAT wHEN we GO out I gOT $$..HEHE...CurrENTly A sURvivOR as i DUn have $ now...EVERidae hope $ DroP FROm sky...OOPSxxx......
THere IS nO fREE luncH in Tis WORld...TAT y i WOrKIn altHOugHT i HATe WOrkIN....Haiz,..hOPE MY sTudy Not AFFectED ba....We ALREAdy PLAn WAT to DO fOR thEIR bD LE...MAyb Go K-BOX to sING tHEN go SAKAE or Suki SusHI to eat LO...wA....goTTA Spent ALOT...MUZ saVE more...hehe...tiS weeK i sPENT mORe than $50 COz NEED tO BUY tExTbOOk N lectURE notes.....
tIS seM ALl sUB diff LIAo...CAn learN NEW thingS...classmaTe OSO changE LIAo...i DunNO CAn mIX tHEm or NOT...NEXt weeK PRoJECt Gotta BEGin..muz Form A gRoup First COZ i dUN wan to B gROUP WIF the SAME pP eveRytiME...
WHen is OUR 5BSu ACtITvIY???HAIZ....heard FroM thEM tAT thERe GOtta b A 5bCLASS cHALET iN jUne...hOPEFullY afTER mY MID sEM...i ThiNK veri FeW pP go BA..BUT i Hope TO c AS maNI "old" fREns AS possIblE...REALLi LONG tIME nv C thEM le...eVERyone IS bz of Their OwN ThingS.....HOWEVEr I stILl ConTACT wiF soME of My FREns ...i hOPE to COntINue To cONTACT theM...
as FOr My poly FRENs,i THinK i not TAT CLose WIF THem coZ aLL lIVe sO FAr...nOBodY livE neaR mI one...SAD....haIZ.......hope I can gET a Good GPA gRADE tiS yr...CYA.!!!
THere IS nO fREE luncH in Tis WORld...TAT y i WOrKIn altHOugHT i HATe WOrkIN....Haiz,..hOPE MY sTudy Not AFFectED ba....We ALREAdy PLAn WAT to DO fOR thEIR bD LE...MAyb Go K-BOX to sING tHEN go SAKAE or Suki SusHI to eat LO...wA....goTTA Spent ALOT...MUZ saVE more...hehe...tiS weeK i sPENT mORe than $50 COz NEED tO BUY tExTbOOk N lectURE notes.....
tIS seM ALl sUB diff LIAo...CAn learN NEW thingS...classmaTe OSO changE LIAo...i DunNO CAn mIX tHEm or NOT...NEXt weeK PRoJECt Gotta BEGin..muz Form A gRoup First COZ i dUN wan to B gROUP WIF the SAME pP eveRytiME...
WHen is OUR 5BSu ACtITvIY???HAIZ....heard FroM thEM tAT thERe GOtta b A 5bCLASS cHALET iN jUne...hOPEFullY afTER mY MID sEM...i ThiNK veri FeW pP go BA..BUT i Hope TO c AS maNI "old" fREns AS possIblE...REALLi LONG tIME nv C thEM le...eVERyone IS bz of Their OwN ThingS.....HOWEVEr I stILl ConTACT wiF soME of My FREns ...i hOPE to COntINue To cONTACT theM...
as FOr My poly FRENs,i THinK i not TAT CLose WIF THem coZ aLL lIVe sO FAr...nOBodY livE neaR mI one...SAD....haIZ.......hope I can gET a Good GPA gRADE tiS yr...CYA.!!!
hM...NOW IN scH sURfIN thE net...notHIn tO DO..NOW tHE tiME is 10.21AM...i sTIll HAVE tO WAit untIl 2pm Then GOt lesSon...BOriNG...JUZ fINISH PSy lecTure...N sPEnt $ ON The haNDbooK lIAo....Now REAlLI BrOKE...HAIZ....tML gOT A&F evENT...DunNO GOTTA dO WAT....tis WEEkend WORkIN OSo...daMN siAN..Dun FeeL LYK WorKIn... :'(
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Xuan Ru BD
yOZ...YESteRDe IS my Co Bd...xUANRu...her 19 BD...haha....Hm...We WENT TO SwEdsENS TO eaT lo...HM...wiF KUo liM,CLark,gene,YY,eNGlisH,StEPHAnie,JIA yu n of CourSe mi LA....wa...First tIME cELEbRATE n GO out Wif My HD col...Wa...daMN fUNnI LO...thEY TooK SO mani PICturES lo....haha...HM...IF gOT Any OTHer ACtiVitY i Wll sURE go LO...NOT lyK LAst tIME aWAYS put AERoplaNE... :p dUNnO WhEN is Te next ACTIvTy N whEtHer I sTll WORkIN or NOT...haIZ...
YESterdAE Sch reoPEn liaO lo..SiAn.. I StiLL IN T04 but THe CLassMATE All dIFF liAo...HOPE I cAN MIX weLL wIF thEM BA...cyA!!!
YESterdAE Sch reoPEn liaO lo..SiAn.. I StiLL IN T04 but THe CLassMATE All dIFF liAo...HOPE I cAN MIX weLL wIF thEM BA...cyA!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
goin to the zoo





yeaH....10 oF apr we wEnt To THe ZOO......wE SAw alot of ANIMALS lor...For sURE....haha...AniaMLs lyk PEAcOCk N moNKEy aNIhow RUn ONE lor...veRI dE fUN OVEr tHERE...I enJoy mysElf VEri MucH.... THese ArE sOME of Our PIX aT The Zoo..As U cAN C, we R veri neaR To tHE aNIMAlz....yeAH...thE BEst PART waS At tHE SMAll MAMMalz park...wE wEnt INto LYk gREENHSe plaCE N aNIMALX jUZ rUN ARound U...thERE r So MANI bUTTerFlies N bIRDS ba...Abit ScARy lor..HAHA....i lyk WhitE tiGer as THerE ARe ONly 7000 LEFt...Tat Y i POSt The PIX iN IN CASE itS EXtINCt....THEre SupposE HAvE 7 TypE of TigER one BUT 3 TYPe OF tIGer AlreadY exTincT..VerI SAD RitE????HAIZ.....
LAtER TaT daY, WE wenT tO Rm to CelebraTE kaREn BD...We EAt SAkura N IT IS onLY $62 fOR 8 PErsON..vERI cHEap RitE???HAHA..tHEN we BoUGht A caKe For kaRen..AltHOUGh heR bd AT 24Apr, we CelebraTe AT 10apr COZ on 24 APR eVERibODI alreadY staRT thIEr sEM liaO...hope She EnjOy HERSeLF N THe othER 6 OF thEM.....hope U gUYZ have a gREAt Day TherE..!!!1
Sunday, April 02, 2006
TodaY is 2 Apr....YESterDAy is APRiL FooL..kaNNA tRICk BY ps fOR Tat mSG...BUT nv..i TricK otHERs i Got My paY yesTERDAeBUT i DunNO WHerE To sPEnd..i waNNA buY soMEthING but No one acc MI...I dun wan 2 sHop aLONE...sAN....waN 2 go OUT oso caNNOT...Y LIFe sO misRaBle???HaIZ...I thINk wORk Can maKEmI 4gET tHOSe thING.....
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